Lake Meade CommUnity Builders

To better reflect it’s newly adopted mission statement, the Homemakers group has changed their name to Lake Meade CommUnity Builders. And it’s not just for woman anymore!

Mission statement-

“to promote community life and spirit through educational, social and charitable activities”

President Nadine Baughman states “What is important? Family, friends, reaching out to our community and finding meaning in our lives.”

Committed to building what makes our Lake Meade community such a special place in which to live, the group is devoted to putting its mission statement into action. They sponsor 3 dances a year and the New Year’s Eve party. Charitable giving (proceeds from the benefit dances) includes BSHS scholarship, and local charities. Monthly meetings include guest speakers with a variety of current topics. All are welcomed.

In the early 50’s, a Family Living Committee was created under the guidance of The Adams County Cooperative Extension of Penn State University. Initial goals were to educate homemakers on nutrition, and family living enhancement. Over the years, the Lake Meade group evolved into more charitable and social activities. In recent years the group decided that the actions of the group no longer aligned with the “Homemaker” foundations. As the group grew, the personalities included professional women, business women, retirees, and fewer and fewer traditional homemakers. In order to serve the needs of the diverse group, a new mission statement and name were developed and decided upon.

With our current membership now at 60, we will kick off our new year with a meeting at the Sports Complex or in the Community Center on Monday September 12. Stay tuned for details. Monthly meetings will continue on the second Monday of each month at 12:30, in the Community Center.

If you would like to do more for yourself and the community, consider joining CommUnity Builders. For more information, please reach out to one of our board members:

Nadine Baughman

Irene Fulk

Barb Angelino

Dates, times and contact information are located on the FRONTSTEPS Member portal calendar